Friday, March 16, 2007

Portabello Pizza

Back when I was a starving college student I discovered that it was much cheaper to make my own pizza and typically I didn't have to wait as long either. Not to mention I could add what ever fresh toppings I wanted and I wouldn't be told by some pimple faced kid that each topping would cost an additional $ .99

So yesterday, I had a hankerin' to make myself a pizza. I grabbed the bag of pizza dough mix and some veggies from the fridge and discovered much to my dismay that I had no pizza sauce. GASP! I quickly checked the pantry and all I could find was a 6 oz can of tomato paste. Hhhmm a challenge you say? I accept! In no time at all I was munchin' on some delicious Portabello Pizza.

Here's what ya need:

6.5 oz packet Martha White Pizza Crust mix

12" Pizza Pan


6 oz can tomato paste
3/4 cup hot water
1 tbsp chopped garlic
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp Splenda or Sugar
1 tsp Oregano
1 tsp Marjoram
1 tsp Basil
1/2 tsp Rosemary

Pizza topping:

1/2 Tomato
1/2 Portabello Mushroom
1/8 Red Onion
2 1/2 cups finely shredded Mozarella cheese
2 tbsp Parmasean Cheese


Start your sauce first. Combine all ingredients in a sauce pan and stir until well blended. Leave on the stove over low heat for 30 minutes. This will allow the flavors to merge.

Preheat your oven to 475 degrees. (If cooking with a gas oven I suggest turning the heat down to 450) While the oven is preheating prepare your toppings. To clean your Portabello mushroom simply wipe it down with a damp paper towel. You don't want to wash it under water as it will absorb the water and get mushy. Now slice your tomato, mushroom and onion into 1/8" thick slices. Cut the portabello again into quarters. This may seem like a lot of mushrooms but remember that mushrooms shrink when cooked. Set aside.

Prepair the dough as directed. The dough won't congeal totally, but once you start shaping it into a ball it should all bind together. If not, add water to the dough one tsp at a t ime until the dough sticks together. If the dough is too sticky add a little flower. Pay attention to the time! Don't let your dough sit for too long or it will be ruined.

When spreading your dough out in your pizza pan don't be afraid if it doesn't look perfect. If you have a hard time getting your dough to spread out to the edges use a rolling pin. I found it helpful to position the rolling pin like a clock hand and roll it clockwise around the pan once I had spread the dough out as far as I could with my fingers.

Bake the dough for 5 minutes (per package directions). To make clean up easier place the pizza pan on a rack over a counter top to add your toppings. Using a large spoon spread your pizza sauce all around your dough, not too thick, but enough to give it a fair layer of sauce. Using 2 cups of the Mozarella spread the cheese evenly over the sauce. Next add your toppings. When you are finished with your toppings use the remaining 1/2 of cheese to sprinkle over the top. I like to take a brick of Parmesean and do a very thin sprinkling of freshly grated cheese on the top.

Place your pizza on the bottom rack and cook for 9 minutes. Keep an eye on your pizza, once the edges start getting golden, take the pizza out of the oven. I was preoccupied with my daughter and my dough got a little over cooked.

Once the timer goes off or the edges are golden remove from the oven and allow to cool for a few minutes.

My crust turned out over cooked for two reasons, #1. I forgot that with a gas oven things cook more efficiently and therefore don't need to be cooked at as high a temp or as long and #2. I wasn't checking my crust as I was busy feeding my daughter.

Even though my crust got a little over cooked, the pizza still turned out superb, I'll definately be making some more pizzas. Yum!


Irreverent Antisocial Intellectual said...

Oooooo! I love making my own pizza! But I always wuss out and buy that pre-made crust in a bag.
Not anymore, baby, I'm trying your way!
(We'd get along fine, by the way, we eat the same stuff!)

janeylynne said...

That sounds HEAVENLY!! I love, love, love portabello mushrooms. I will be trying that out next week. Can't wait.

Anonymous said...

I love love pizza and I'm salivating over the picture you have posted.
I'm going to try this, thanks so much for posting it.